Monday, March 30, 2009

Who Knew??

Sorry for not posting in a while but my life is currently absolute chaos!!! Between school, work, my volunteer job, my life, my BF's life and a few other fiascos it is all I can do to make it through the week. The crazy part is that although this is by far the busiest I've ever been and I actually kind of enjoy parts of it. SShhh...Don't tell I'm actually thinking I may enjoy this law thing. Also, I've also realized that although I tend to avoid conflict, I love to argue. Of course, I've also realized that my love of argument comes as no surprise to anyone other than me! Yes self awareness doesn't tend to be one of my strong suits.

I'm down to 2 weeks of law school (and my thirties) left. I can't believe it. In some ways time has flown by in other ways it seems like I've been doing this forever. Once classes are over, I have about a month before graduation. I don't know what I will do with all the free time! But I do know that I will enjoy myself!! After graduation, the real fun will start...BAR/BRI. For those of you not familiar with Bar/Bri, it's a bar preparation course that you pay to teach you how to pass the bar. Now mind you, you pay for this class after having paid a ridiculous amount of money to go to law school, which apparently doesn't teach you how to pass the test you must pass to become a lawyer. It's ridiculous and it's going to be he$%. Since I can't take 2 months off of work, I will work all day and then go to class from 6-10 every night. Bar/bri's advice is that for every hour you spend in their classes, you are supposed to study twice that on your own. The recommend about 10 hours a day of study...WTF!!!! I've never studied anywhere in the same universe as 10 hours a day.

All I can say is that this will be very, very interesting. Assuming I don't jump off a cliff in the meantime, I will be taking the NY and NJ bars the last week of July. After that who knows?? Anyone looking to hire an attorney?? :D


  1. Oy, I feel the stress for you regarding the BAR/BRI -- which sounds like an Australian entree featuring brie cheese, by the way.

    Sometimes it's nice to be busy like that, you know. Good luck and Godspeed.

  2. The end is in sight. Just keep on persevering. A new chapter in life is about to enfold - and its all good. (no promises of no challenges though). You're 30's -you'll love em'!

  3. So you went back to school to get your law degree? That is really weird. The other day I was all, "I should go back to get a law degree." But I don't want to be a lawyer, except to argue with the government about the constitutionality of what they do.

    I just said goodbye to my 20s a few weeks back. It was such a relief. 30 is way more fun, because I have some clue about myself now, but am still optimistic enough to think maybe I'm not entirely right, either. I hope it just keeps getting better, and that 40 will rock my world.

  4. By "weird" I meant to say "ironic for me". Sorry. I don't think it's "weird" - I think it is AWESOME.

  5. Wendy - Welcome...sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    So far for me, my 20's bit, my 30's were good and (like you) I'm expecting my 40's to rock!!

    Btw, law school despite the grind of it is very interesting. It has definitely changed my perspective on alot of things.
