Saturday, February 28, 2009

And away we go!

CardioGirl and Natural finally got to me and I've decided to venture into the blogosphere as a blogger and not just blogger wannabe. :)

As you might have picked up over on CG's site, I'm a very big person. Right now, I'm 39 years old, about 290 lbs and only 5'5". Trust me; this is not anywhere I ever planned to be. As a kid I was always a little bigger than most of my friends but not to the degree that I am now. I was tall through 7th grade and probably about 130ish. I was about 165 when I graduated high school. I was always a jock though and a drummer in the marching band. Not the best athlete but I dreamed of being the first woman in the Quick comment, the doctor told my parent's I should be 5'10" to 6' tall. Yeah right, I hit 5'5" and started growing out instead of up.

I put on some weight in college but never got over 200 and never imagined that I would/could. I probably picked up a little weight during my marriage. My husband would make comments about my weight and try to get me to diet. He had some insane ideas as well. He wanted to control my eating, he would “let” me have a vanilla or strawberry milkshake but not chocolate. There’s only about 20-50 calories difference but it probably had more to do about me only liking chocolate shakes and him wanting to control me. Needless to say, he and I divorced. The next few years are when I put on serious weight.

Regardless of my weight, I've always considered myself a jock. Even now, I still think that way. When I first got up to about 260, I started taking phentermine and signed up for Tae Kwon Do. It was rough at first, but I really enjoyed it. I love being able to beat people up without hurting Anyway, after about 2 years I got within 2 ranks of my black belt and down to 190ish. I planned to stay there but as it so often goes, things changed. I moved and had to stop TKD. I eventually put back on all that weight and then some, with a lot of ups and downs in between.

Right now, I know I'm dangerously overweight and it does impact my daily life. I notice the glances and reactions of people. I try not to let it bother me but I know it does have an impact. Having to ask for a seat belt extender on a plane is humiliating. Even though the attendants try to be discrete, people still notice. Having to look for chairs without arms and table tops, not booths, at restaurants is not the way I envisioned living. The worst was going to see a local production of HSM with my boyfriend’s nephew and not being able to fit in the balcony seat no matter what I did. It was an old theater and the seat’s were tiny, even average sized people were uncomfortable. I had to give up and ask if there was somewhere else we could sit. I ended up in the handicapped section. I was so humiliated.

I have developed a kind of warped self defense mechanism to deal with my weight (and other) issues. I joke about my weight all the time and constantly put myself down. I guess I am being the fat, jolly sidekick (see I’m even doing it now…lol). After several years of therapy, I’ve started to realize that part of the reason I may be doing this is to essentially make a preemptive strike. If jokes, comments etc are going to be made at least I’m the one making them. I told you it was warped! I’ve noticed that my comments often make other people uncomfortable, yet I still do it. I’ve gotten better but can’t seem to totally get past it.

So now, the question on everyone's mind is “why don't you do something about it?” Well, trying to put some drama into my writing, I will save that for my second post... To be continued.


  1. Buf, I'm so glad you are blogging, way cool. I'll add you to my reader and stop by as often as I can.

    First things first. Give me a hug. There. I don't know what your response was to CG's last post about hugging, but I'm giving you one anyway. Just because you deserve one and for your courage.

    I never picked up on your size over on Cargiogirl's blog and I like to think I read all of her comments like 15 times.

    As for the weight thing, I can't have you putting yourself down. Not gonna let that happen. Okay we all sit in the pity corner, believe me I was there this past week rocking back and forth crying my eyes out until I was near sick, but I won't stay there and neither can you.

    I believe weight is a symptom of another problem. Figuring out what that problem is and fixing it is another story.

    I have enough to be depressed about and I've done my share of emotional eating, but I'm done with that. I finally found my motivation to put me back together again and lose the weight I gained. It's not a lot of weight, but enough.

    It can be done if that's what you want, but you have to want it for you. Not for anyone else. Sounds cliche but it's very true. Anywho, glad you stop by my place. I'd love to tag along for the ride here.

  2. Natural - Welcome and thanks for stopping by and being my first commentor.

    Since this is my little spot in the blogosphere, I'm going to establish a few rules. First and foremost, going forward this is a hug and kiss free blog ;) (btw, I'm in the kitchen with CG and Solomon barricading the door to hold back all you But I appreciate your support, concern and the sentiment.

    I wouldn't really describe it as being in the pity corner. It's definitely a self-defense mechanism and practically an unconscious reflex at this point. In some ways, it might even be a warped attention getting behavior.

    In my case, I know my weight is a symptom of other issues. I'm going to get into some of them in my next post.

  3. (Shakes her fist at Natural's ability to jump in and be first! Dammit!)

    Hey Buf, I love your new blog and I shall commence stalking henceforth.

    Okay on to the post. It's so interesting to me that weight gain is almost always a symptom of something else.

    I am an emotional eater. I hate to admit that but sometimes just the action of picking up an animal cracker, putting it in my mouth, chewing and swallowing becomes hypnotic.

    I'm positive I am not really tasting what I'm eating, I think it's the physical action that is what I'm going after, believe it or not.

    Just last night I had five or six Chips Ahoy cookies and on the last two I tried to really taste what I was eating and I realized it wasn't very tasty at all.

    But that hasn't stopped me from that behavior. It's so difficult to pinpoint what's going on emotionally though.

    I suppose the same could be said for depression or anxiety. If we could get to the root of it and work through that stuff we wouldn't experience the symptoms, right?

    I suppose we all have our crap to muddle through and sometimes it's just good to hear that another person is working through stuff as well.

    I tend to do the same type of thing -- I have a really hard time accepting a compliment. I am working on saying, "Thank you," and ending it there.

    But usually I say, "Thank you but it's really not that difficult." Or "Thank you but it's all smoke and mirrors."

    It looks like I need to work on my confidence level as well as some of stuff.

    Lastly, look at you employing the cliff hanger! I'll be back...

  4. okay no hugs for you. i'm not a big hugger, but i'm not afraid to give them when needed :) and good job on talking about your feelings and addressing your weight issues.

    i love to laugh at myself, even when i do stupid, but not at my real problems or issues, but i guess we deal the best way we can. i try to engage in more positive self talk than negative things.

    cardiogirl - i'm sticking my tongue out at you at being first. nah nah nah nah nah nah. pbbssskkk!

    waiting on your next post.

  5. CG-

    Thanks for coming by. Like you I am an emotional eater (more about that in the new post). It's amazing sometimes what I've eaten without really tasting it.

    Yeah I figured I'd go for a little suspense early on, it might be my only

  6. Uh, Natural? Are we going to have to have a verbal smackdown? Because I think you know I'm tenacious like a pit bull.

    Oh. Buf. Hi. How you doin'?
